Stephanye T. Loftin
English Educator

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Collaborative Student / Parent / Teacher Agreement

Ensuring that each student has multiple opportunities to develop skills in thinking/analyzing, reading/literature, writing, language/grammar, speaking/listening, and career development is the responsibility of each English class.  For instruction and assessment, the English Core Learning Goals for Prince George's County Public schools state the following:



Reading:  The student will demonstrate the ability to respond to a text by employing personal experiences and critical analysis.


Writing:  The student will demonstrate the ability to compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose.


Grammar:  The student will demonstrate the ability to control language by applying the conventions of standard English in writing and speaking.


Evaluation:  The student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate the content, organization, and language use of texts.

Class Procedures


Be on time and in uniform.  When the late bell rings, be in your assigned seat - properly displaying your ID.  Tardiness and class cutting are unacceptable. 


Deactivate and place all electronic devices out of sight during quizzes and tests.


Quietly enter, submit your Homework at the beginning of class, and begin the Warm-up.


Write only on the front of collected assignments, stay inside all margins, including the bottom.


Respond in sentences unless specifically instructed to do otherwise.


If you receive a "See me." comment on a returned paper, please see me before you leave class.


To receive a permanent grade for an assignment graded "INC.," resubmit both a corrected revision and the checked original by the next class period.  Staple the revision on top of the original.


Raise your hand to be recognized --- no unnecessary talking.


Double-space headings when typing; single-space headings when writing.  Position at top left.


Remain attentive and on-task at all times --- no heads on desks/no sleeping.


Remain in your assigned seat until dismissed by the teacher.


Avoid writing on typed assignments, and use a ruler to draw straight lines.


Use standard English when you email me, and always include your first and last names.


Each emailed assignment must be sent as a separate attachment; avoid an email's text box.


Treat others with respect, and be a positive influence within the class.


C. H. Flowers High School’s vision is for our students to achieve to the highest level.  Maintaining our Mecca of Excellence is dependent upon the support of our students, their parents/guardians, their teachers, the staff, and our community.  Your signature indicates you have read and understood the course of study (Course Syllabus, Expectations, Policies, and Grading) and that you will to work with us to accomplish the goals set forth.  

Student's signature:


Date: ___________

Parent's/Guardian's signature:


Date: ___________

Teacher's signature:


Date: ___________

Principal's signature:


Date: ___________

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