Course Syllabus – Research Paper Course
Studies show that research skills are
vital for high school graduates looking for good jobs or trade school slots.
Therefore, with emphasis on going deep and writing long on a subject,
students will actively engage themselves in becoming cogent readers and
writers for research purposes. To teach students the meaning of
college-level work, this class focuses on the active and analytical
research process and provides satisfying academic experiences for students
as they follow a step-by-step writing process that builds upon
pre-requisite steps from thesis statement formation, to outlining, to
drafting, to citation using textual evidence, to many revisions, to proper
documentation, to presentation. By working step-by-step every day, students
will analytically read informational texts and literary works from a
variety of rhetorical contexts, actively looking for and interpreting the
author’s assumptions, tone, key concepts and ideas, reasons, and
justifications. Responding in order to understand, explain, and
evaluate, students will gain clarity on the form and language of research
needed for effective and proficient communication.
Required Texts
Assignments - Research Paper
assignments can be found at the Research Paper Assignments
must also adhere to the terms provided in the Expectations,
Policies, Grading, Collaborative Student/Parent/Teacher Agreement, and
Media Center / Computer Lab / Classroom Permission
Contract pages in this site.
Reference Materials
are supplemental materials which may assist the standard course material.